Unforgettable with all its aspects and underlying elements of genius perfection, this work of art will forever be a favorite.
A breath of fresh air, which is what we all really need.
Tis certainly a masterpiece that sets my heart aflutter. Every panel was magnificently drawn and beautifully colored, each could be a singular paragon in itself. Most amusing were the expressions and characters from within. I was overcome with immense joy and anticipation. The story itself was warm and wholesome, it brought so much lightness and delight to my heart. The character development- I must mention- is one of an absolute pleasure to witness. Definitely a favorite of mine.
Perfection. It's a perfect blend of romance, action, conflict, and magic. The plot is beautiful to behold and the characters are well-portrayed. I am most in love with the manner in which conflict was resolved and how perfectly the plot blends with all elements. And the illustrations are absolutely divine. Coincidentally, I happen to fancy blue haired male characters. Seeing two in this story was a delight to my senses.