this was the series that made me read webtoons again :'))
Rating: 5/5
the art is beautiful!! the plot is funny too, and the main couple gives me diabetes :'))) a personal favorite bc aside from a strong heroine and a male lead with a fun twist to the fantasy mc warrior stereotype, there's not much drama relationship-wise and its very refreshing :D (they already struggle as an unconventional beauty and the beast trope </3) overall a v sweet and funny read
Rating: 4.75
THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THEM OMFG i picked up this series bc the art was v pretty and it has an interesting premise. gave this a lower rating for now bc the story hasnt progressed far enough yet that i can review the plot, but character and art-wise its looking very good. will update in the future
rating: 5/5
ARGH SO GOOD this was my first villainess story and honestly it set the standard for me :') good art, good writing, exciting plot. theres a reason this is among the most popular manga in the fantasy tags and it really got hooked me on webtoons ahaha
rating: 5/5
this is one of the more popular fantasy webtoons these days, and DESERVEDDD its so good. i fondly call this "that webtoon with the hot dads"
Rating: 4.5/5
pretty okay? i like the whole mulan situation and that shes going for the villain. a pretty decent plot,, not a lot to say about this one if im being honest, but its Decent ;;
Rating: 5/5
came for the found family promised in the cheesy title, stayed for the insane plot twist i didnt expect it to take such a dark turn and i seriously love it!! i love the plot progression and it really makes you root for the characters :') but really the plot twist is insane and in the middle of it all the bonds formed between the characters really warm the heart :'))
Rating: 4.75/5
THIS IS SO CUTE PLEASEEEEEE its a good romcom :'D looking forward to the next season!
Rating: 4.5/9
finally some good found family trope. i like that the mc is really feisty and loud and i love her dynamic with her dad its one of those light fluffy manhwa about learning to love this new family, and its a pretty easy read :]
Rating: 5/5
Rating: 5/5