Title: Kyou mo Ashita mo Asatte mo 1 Gintama dj – Today, Tomorrow, and the Day After Pairing: Gintoki x Hijikata Circle/ artist: Plug (Nagisa) Language: English From Silver Soul: A reverse 3Z. Gintoki has feelings for his teacher…
Title: Happy Time Machine G Re:Turn Pairing: Gintoki x Hijikata Circle/ artist: Kogarekou/ YAMADA Shiro Language: English Related: Gintama dj – Happy Time Machine G (Prequel) Gintoki travels back 5 years in the past on his birthday to meet a younger Hijikata…
Title: A Report on the Shinsengumi’s Vice-Commander Hijikata Toshirou | An unofficial report on Hijikata by Yamazaki… Pairing: Gintoki x Hijikata Circle: Nizigumo Language: English
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