awww. it was kinda slow burn turned fast burn! lol super cute. nice love story. i love to see it. good translation. and some sage advice throughout.
awwwww so cute! i love that they at least attempted to take it slow and responsibly but that they ended up actually really liking each other. the ML is super perfect husband material. i love that we got to see the whole pregnancy. very cute love story. plus the petty in me loved the scene when her workplace found out who her baby daddy is, hehehehe
awwww sweet! i mean, it's definitely hilarious and a comedy first. but the romance is really sweet too. they are obviously soulmates, 2 peas in a pod. wish there was more!
love it! the art and outfits are gorgeous!!!!!!! the ML is just perfectly adorable. he blushed all the time and was so cute and loved the FL so much. the FL was nice too, not overly done, but not a pushover either. she really assimilated into the novel well, probably b/c she was so young when she reincarnated. it was a long manga, with many things that happened. it ended pretty well for all the twists and turns!