The story follows Kaizaki Arata, a 27-year-old jobless man who fails at every job interviews he had after quitting his last company which he only last three months. His life changes after he met Yoake Ryou of the ReLife Research Institute, who offer him a drug that can change his appearance to 17-years-old again and to became a subject in a one-year experiment in which he began his life as a high school student again.
Well-mannered with a handsome face, Jin Bum is the school's most popular guy! But the truth is, he's my stalker! And this handsome stalker, whom I can't hate, lives right next door!
A playful but lovely first love.
Gomyung and Minhan are dating but it's not your typical relationship. They may look uninterested with each other but with a little bit of spice along their way, their relationship slowly starts to develop.