The MC is such a cute lil bunny, Idk what to do w/ myself. UP: Nvm, Ik now. If that blonde guy gets handsy one more time, Imma kick his head straight off his body is what I'll do, wth. GET AWAY FROM MC, YOU GROSS DISGUSTING PIECE OF SCUM.
Reading this, I'd felt like I'd read this before to a tee, so I thought there was a story w/ the same storyline, but things were kinda left out but details in my mind were being filled out that weren't here. That's when I realised I read the novel to this but I had dropped that at Ch.120 cause I started hating the MC and the plot was becoming tedious for the drama to drag on. I had really loved this till about Ch.100, which is disappointing, author. I won't be reliving my disappointment. Bye~!