[Would you like to reverse time?] [All stats will be reset] [Please pick a date.] "February 28th, 1985. The day I was born." Wealth, I will seize all the money in the world. Monopoly, I will seize all the dungeons in the world. At this time, while the world is still peaceful.
A martial artist, claiming himself to be a "murderer" is defeated by a suicide attack in battle and is reborn as a first born child to a local lord. Having a fresh start, a warm family and a little sister to protect - he decides to become a better person in his new life.
Its an amazing story about one martial arts journey through marriage, fatherhood, and battles. It has a lot of similar elements to Red Storm with a badass master, family oriented MC, tragic backstory.
MC is calm
A king who's devoid of purpose and will suddenly got reincarnated to another world filled with magic and monsters, and is set out to relive his new life with his newfound family, and to seek out an answer as to why he's reincarnated in the first place
Cat has powers