it's cute! i'm not very fond of harems tbh but this was quite decent. it's definitely got its faults, but i didn't have too much of a problem when reading it. i haven't really caught up to recent chapters so i have no idea if it's actually gotten better or worse. if you like harem then i'd say this is a pretty good read.
i really like this! rather than having the one mc be the only one who's aware of the story, it's actually two mcs technically! i was surprised by the twist but i think it works. the plot was enjoyable and the characters that we've met so far get proper development as the story goes on. i really like this manhwa and i have high expectations for it!
oooh boy is this manhwa just everything i ever wanted. it's found family, actually good lessons on good parenting and an mc that isn't too boring nor annoying!! it also balances out the fluff and angst super well which i enjoyed. this is honestly a personal favourite of mine and i highly encourage you to read it!
update: okay i actually decided to pick this back up after initially dropping it after a few chapters and WOW it definitely gets more interesting imo. it's nothing amazing that it stands out against the rest but it still had plenty uniqueness to it and i was pretty interested in the plot! some of the characters could use some more fleshing out since they feel kinda flat, but overall, i liked this one!
dropped after a few chapters. i was intrugued with the synopsis but after i read a bit, it was easy to predict what was going to happen in the plot. idk, i personally didn't find it interesting enough to keep reading. maybe if i'm bored enough, i'll pick it back up lmao. it's not that bad, just sort of easy to predict you could say. i didn't get very far though so i may be completely wrong.
WOW this one was so good. it's so well written?? and the characters don't feel like doormats that get easily convinced. they're a lot more fully fleshed out and the actual premise is so intriguing??? bro it's way too good. i highly recommend this one for sure.
this was good! pretty standard for most manhwas of a similar genre/premise. i did read it up till the end and i have to say it was.... good. nothing amazing but also nothing too bad. i'd say it was just in the middle. it's pretty fun at times and i don't regret reading it. if you're looking for a finished series with a decent story, this is good for that.
this was REALLY good imo. i enjoyed reading this a lot ngl. the characters were a joy to follow along and there were some plot twists that i was genuinely shocked at lol. overall, i had fun reading this manhwa and i highly recommend it for other people to read.
it's really cute lmao. they don't try to beat around the bush in the first few chapters which i really liked. its premise is quite direct and i love the development later on in the story. overall, i'd say it's above average in quality and enjoyment, kinda equivalent to a 7/10 rating. definitely give this one a chance if you like romance with a parental aspect to it.
haven't caught up with this one so i don't really know what's going on with the story at the moment. from what i remember, i thought it was actually pretty good. i found the synopsis kinda interesting and i wasn't really bored for most of my time reading it. i'd definitely recommend it if you're looking for something a bit more serious and not as fluffy in comparison to some other manhwas of the same genre.