The art is really beautiful but I think the story is a bit lackluster. But I’m intrigued in seeing the couple pogress so I won’t drop it.
Constantly fun story to read! Kind honorable ML accepts his duty and marries crazy princess FL altho she is unwell he treats her with patience/sympathy! mega green flag! The story was already really good but the awaited reveal of the FLs pov made it even better! she is pretending to be insane! Her real self is good! theyre an amazng match! he saved her and is the only one who sees her true self!
The most interesting part is that FL has the ability to see someones future if she touches someone! The main couple is cute! The FL is a damsel trapped in a difficult situation saved by ML! I understand that theyre the best pair but everybody is hot so its hard not to feel bad for some of the other dudes!
Unique! Great art! To survive, (for delicious food) desperate FL volunteers to help ML! ML must teach FL to act royally to be a believable decoy! ML is very arrogant/toxic but if anyone, smart FL is the match for him! He finds anyone else boring! It pisses me off that ML thinks the worst of FL in every situation when shes just big hearted, he needs a BIGredemption arc! But great tension because they find each other hot AND detestable! the enemies to lovers is enemy-ing…
Beautiful art! Driven and ambitious FL helps mad dog ML (traumatized from being a demon in the war) and teaches him how to live off the battlefield! I wish he grew more personality faster because he just seems mostly mindless and dumb but a few cute moments come from it. It is ridiculous but funny and light hearted. Similar premise to “High Society” while having polar opposite vibes
After regressing, FMCs mother enters a contract marriage with the emperor (I wish we saw more of them) allowing FMC to go from rags to riches overnight! She begins to experience status/power yet stays trusting/humble! She is a very cute girl, charming everyone she meets! Her improving relationship with her mother and growing relationship with her family (new father, and cousin) are so adorable! FMC rimance is side plot but its so cuteee
the angst is real.
FL is a big personality! Assertive, determined, bold, plotting, and ML is curious, and surprisingly has a teasing side! Their marriage is not brought by love, but interest (on his part) so itll be exciting to see them fall in love! But I’m only arounf chapter 10 but it’s missing something for me, I will continue it later!
Hello <3 I love your list. Your reviews are helpful and insightful. Thank you for making this.
I think about this everyday THANK UU