Overall a pretty good and sweet read... Though I just couldn't understand Heeseo's mentality when he thought out 'his plan'.. Much less comprehend his reasoning behind.. He was so adamant that the only way his relationship with Seungwoo would progress was if he were to ask Dongyeun out.. Just can't figure how he'd come to that kind of conclusion..
The story was comical and quite hilarious at times.. Plot was somewhat decent I suppose.. Not much love scenes.. with only fleeting kisses at best.. Can't believe Joel is such a slow-witted blockhead.. His story and ending with Chase was pretty good tho..
It was a very sweet love story revolving around one being forgotten yet his yearnings still made him kept coming back no matter how hurtful and one forgetting but still hold traces of feelings in his heart that tell him the happy moments they've shared almost like second nature.. Only that Taehyuk character was I think having a bit of psychological issues.. but glad that he turn out fine in the end..