The puppy dog ml sold me... but the mc seems pretty good and not too cliche for now?
Hmm, it has potential? I like the art that's for sure but we will see... and I'm a sucker for evil mc~
The novel is great! haven't seen much of this webtoon yet but the fan arts are crazy :D
3/3 Stars for the novel that for sure~ *cough* lots of bromance lol
A weak goody 2 shoe, a strong arrogant bastard and a fked up edgy character altogether? Sign me the fk up :D I like the art for the fight lol The story... well...we will see?
Lol, like this, it has potential :D looking forward
Everyone has this on their list QAQ lol
Ahhhh~ I love this one! (>A<)/
it has shounen vibe
Hmmmmm, I just started this one, so I don't have much to say but I like the way that the technique was learned from... *cough* looking forward tho! Once again, I believe that the cover doesn't give the book justice~