It should be physically impossible for someone to be extremely hot and extremely adorable at the same time, but literally every main character in this pulls it off! Especially my baby SIWON!!! I would give him the world if I could and so would all his friends because he’s just that precious.
Omg your list is brilliant! Just what I was looking for!! Soft ukes FTW!!
Yay I’m glad! Hope you found some more adorable cuties to read about
ooh a new list, I've been going through your lists to find new manga for the past few days ever since I first discovered them! Thank you so much for taking the time to put these together :)
Ooh no problem, I'll be really happy if you found them helpful! This one is a bit less organized and has a lot of overlap with my Cotton Candy list, but we can always do with more fluff hehe.