Well written but not for the feint hearted. I want to put ML's dick in a smoothie maker. I hope he suffers for the rest of his miserable life and I hope she meets the bastard baby out of herself before even more evil forms in this world. (Ik it's innocent but...goddamn)
waiting for the end. im very sad that the girl doesnt love the ml, UNDERSTANDABLY. the love is very fucked up but at the same time, the ml has gone through so much its sad. The ending will be definitely sad :(((
Hoooo this isssss quite...something. firstly "ml" better not be ml I'm gonna be so pissed if he is. As much as I want mc to be happy I rlly can't imagine a happy ending for them especially not that she's pregnant again ooof idkkk...finished chapter 115, finished still updating
24 foul makes me sick to my stomach the type of rape and coersion and manipulation that the man does. disgusted. rageful. i never want to see this every again