Title | Author | Last reply |
I think this is probably the first or maybe second time... | akera | 08-17 20:50 |
Awesum omega fuckin alpha. Khehehe | †ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈). | 08-08 16:02 |
where is the second part? huhu | Hanakuroi | 09-10 20:41 |
Im so confused about what Victor said in the last panel... | Pankeki | 08-17 07:54 |
SO IF VICTOR IS AN OMEGA, WHY WOULD IT BE WRONG FOR THE... | karma > < | 05-22 20:50 |
I love omega's on top ლ(´ڡ`ლ) | bunbun | 04-09 14:37 |
dang | im addicted:D | 12-20 23:46 |
Explanation | luukia | 12-20 19:36 |
idk what happend but WE LOVE YURI ON ICE DJ'S YAAASSS | pssywillows | 12-19 19:01 |
Victor is an omega and disguised as alpha while yuri is... | gepards thick cum | 12-19 16:52 |
confused | ayegeee | 12-18 16:02 |