Topics of Ore to Joushi no Kakushigoto Tsuzuki no Hanashi

Title Author Reply Last reply
After reading the first part of the story, the blond, o... Yuki 1 02-22 16:35
heck yeah kiwi 0 12-03 14:38
waaah niixop 0 11-13 00:49
i healed grainbread 0 11-10 16:50
fave couple 若汐 0 11-05 15:47
Love it! mel 0 10-27 18:28
Sigh Rika 0 10-16 04:24
This was literally perfect AnnieMay 0 10-11 06:07
Hey ShyJoon~ 0 09-28 00:24
Im sorry I hate the haircut Ness 0 09-14 07:09
got emotional when he showed up with short hair T___T t... advice 0 09-04 04:00
Name: Ore to Joushi no Kakushigoto Tsuzuki no Hanashi
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Kashima Chiaki 2019 released.
Genre(s): Romance / Drama
Alternative: ; The secret of me and my boss sequel
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