Title | Author | Last reply |
So uh did he kill him ????? Is that what that was????? ... | Vitorplitsy | 10-20 16:29 |
WOW | tomato呀呀 | 04-20 20:27 |
I haven't watched the whole anime yet, so I think I jus... | Jungsoonie | 10-23 04:23 |
Whooppss wrong I mean THE police One police is not enou... | Scrape | 07-21 11:54 |
Whooppss wrong I mean THE police One police is not enou... | Scrape | 07-21 11:53 |
bastard killed the cat | imafreakinunicorn | 07-21 11:52 |
I just want to know why suzaku says "I want to warm you... | Hedwig | 07-21 11:51 |
Im sorry if this is out of topic with the manga but hav... | Kimheenimsmirk | 07-21 11:50 |
Who knew what the fuck was happening? | Poppi- Chan | 02-27 00:29 |
wish more of dj by rock n dolless were scanned and tran... | Anonymous | 09-10 22:18 |
Derp, confusing. | Munuu | 01-26 23:51 |