Title | Author | Last reply |
Im crying from happiness | Jiló | 03-02 22:45 |
I cried over slime! WTF why is this so precious. | BoardingSine | 02-27 18:11 |
My first time reading color manga 😭 I need more colo... | hellahana | 02-27 14:43 |
I miss them sm 😔 | fugma | 02-27 14:25 |
I feel so good while reading this, I might splatter at ... | hellahana | 02-27 14:21 |
i miss them they used to be my ray of sunshine | Meraki | 02-17 09:54 |
IHHH GEMES BGTTT UEUEUEUE | Ryuka | 02-16 12:19 |
oh its already end, time to read it ^^ | Ryuka | 02-15 16:09 |
I don't want this story to end ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)�... | Eli | 02-14 09:48 |
I NEED MINATO IN MY LIFE 😍 | Eli | 02-14 09:48 |
1000/10 LUV IT SAUR MUCHH!! | Diluc-sama | 02-02 05:09 |