Title | Author | Last reply |
My princess not getting his wishes fulfilled.. | Mqrlzhqll | 02-22 21:18 |
IZUOCHA ARE SO CUTE OMG😻😻😻 | akemilmao | 02-07 04:24 |
I really don't know why Horikoshi backed away from Baku... | Norana | 02-02 13:05 |
Crying for Izuku! What kind of message is it giving? | mel | 01-08 17:22 |
I don’t understand | toji’s wife | 12-26 09:15 |
I can’t | Itzel | 12-26 09:08 |
going insane | AssShitEater | 12-17 20:27 |
when are we getting a translation for the epilogue??? | IdRunIfIWereYou | 12-17 12:36 |
Greatest Heroes! | tinymanticore | 12-16 10:29 |
Meow meow | AssShitEater | 12-12 19:01 |
Thank you for the ending I guess? (ʘᴗʘ✿) | Amarys0x0 | 12-09 19:01 |