Bwahahahaha! He got kidnapped just to eat!
I would probably have the same look. Lol!
I don't know if its the admitting it or admitting it so cutely that got that reaction! Lol!
Uuuummm... sounds like a plan... I guess.... Lol!!!
His friends man. That girl tho. I bet she's been shipping them since forever anyway. Closet fujoshi
His face is like he can totally picture the other guy crying and looking cute.
That's actually pretty ingenious! Lol! And her reaction... what? I woulda been fangirling like crazy
Gotta love those surprise confessions!
Usually cause you get naked when you get IN the bath! And what a sexy slip!
That backfired!
Their faces at each other!
Funniest show of possessiveness ever!
I saw the word ZOOOOOOOM even if it wasn't there!
I have a strange feeling he might have been! Lol! .... Maybe.....
"Sex Life Crisis"
It makes a weird kind of sense.
His contradictory words are hilarious!
Yes! Cutie got him!
340 photos
07 12,2015 created

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