bro i can't with all these gods
lmfao the serpent agreed that they both are out of their mind
r w going down the BL path? I don't mind u know MC
rip father it was good knowing u cause now u a healing machine for MC
lmfao who is the god in blue bubble I like that god seem like it will not get boring with hisComment
lmfao wtf the egg has a temperament hilarious
bro u misunderstand MC right now cause he need money like crazy to pay his bills and over due rents
lmfao dude MC is using u as a money-making tool but I guess that can be seen as his fees
don't mess with MC he's smarter than u think
lmfao bro taught he can get away with it being dark too bad MC know all them moves
oh shit why do i feel like ML was just scammed/robbed by MC lol
lmfao Big dude really think he can fool MC
bro MC once your revenge is done I wanna see u try out acting like become an actor arc
lmfao when mc answer the question i can't with this dude
lmfao bro just turn into flash
lmfao wtf is up with all the misunderstanding here bro?