Lol, this whole sense “ you better start cumming”
Lol that’s depression for you
Lol the cop!
Oh, he really went after his ass. Love Mongryong
A cute pink doggie and a steaming pile of poo lol
lol breeding
Lol not him having nightmares about Mongryong
Omg the tail!
At this point in the story not sure he really has amnesia but he’s acting commitment is too real
No the mom being mad that he really thought she was getting drinks
Lol, not him trying to fuck with the other guy
Lol, this fool. Another fav scene
Love this part
Lol his face, emot?
Nah, not her counducting and ass whopping lol
Why she studying so hard, I should do that with school
Yeah, catch her off Guard. Lol let’s go!!!
I like the back story of this phrase, lowkey want to start saying it. Reminds me of PSAT of 11th grd