One of the most unforgettable NxM moments... "I hate everything about you."
This is the best!! Ahahahahahaha
This simple, little moments that's really not romantic at all yet makes you think it really is...
All humor left me when I saw this last panel. Thinking, "If only they're actually like this..."
When a completely normal human students attending a completely normal school suddenly ask for blood. With a specific type (-__-")
Ugh! Why is he so adorableeeee~!
She only looks like this only with Hirato... and bugs. Hahahaha~! So cuuuuuute!
This cracked me up real hard. Such a fun class~
I almost fell from my seat. Really! There is such a thing as this! Uwaaaaaaa
"Well, resent the fact you were born with a mediocre face" <--- This seriously cracked me up. XD
╮(⌒人⌒)╭ <------ This tho
Why am I imagining that he's holding an electrict guitar. Hahahaha!
Why does this remind me of something...?
Imagine this, You are experiencing sh*t and out of the blue this line appears. XD
122 photos
02 10,2015 created

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