Who the fuck would volunteer to be prey - an actual death-wish.. like wtf!
Whoooo! You figured it out :D
Ah.. that's only going to half help him - the concrete he's lying on is going to be freezing
Yikes - seriously scary even though he looks too young to have fathered high schoolers
Oh crap crap crap! He has no shadow again! ARGH HE'S DYING ARGH!
So complacent! - Oh they're just thieves..
Oh this is a good author personification drawing - simple and yet expressive :D
Oh hey, I didn't know that!
At times like these I consider.. should I be making an album of mushroom penises.. and then I don't
Very impressed at dominating while tied up :D
Poor guy. Here you are trying to do a good thing - stopping a bully - and it's not going to end well
Telltale blushing
Hello Jealousy
This moment reminds me of: ....savile_row_no_yuuwaku-chapter-3/21/
I get all stressed out when people know my name - darn nametags!
Wtf monster.. too many hands D:
Of course not, I'm sure everyone else was in the dark too (excluding your co-worker)... :P
I want the top two characters to get together now :D
Questioning. Ragey. General moments
141 photos
05 12,2019 created
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