again the blue bro managed to keep his head cool.
judge was not bs. GOOD. GOOOOOoooOOOOooood.
but human memories is a nono... give the amber jd drama.
poor hubby... he did not know too. he is too dumb for he is own good.
Objection. Not responsive. The witness is babbling about her opinions instead of giving facts.
hubby is very cute. :))))
Human memories... so your client said baloney?
buddha? In the west? No no no...
second son ain't getting married? get a life.
this robbie is basically tw1tt3r
commoners do...
mvp escort.
hubby is very candy for my eyes,
He really needs Miki-chan in his life. He lived as a good person.
You know. I would still beat the crap out of you. It's a fight worth losing for!
See? The mom was so an airhead... call the teachers. I mean, TRY at least.
If it is worn out, give him a brand new.