:3 You like your Mama!
Stop making things complicated, moron.
So why running away, moron?
:'( Yu thought because you are good-looking, I will forgive you? Well, screw me! I do.
It'S not what you think! It is a misunderstanding!
Wasted phone.
:'1 Bird's brains.
Blushing hmm hmm.
Basically, Attack on Titan knows the way.
LanZhan.exe stopped working.
"Lil bro, your gay is showing"
HE BLUSHED! Zoom +, fam!
Right, Daddy?
You asked for it, MAID!
She's aware, but she sure good at playing dumb even in her monologue.
*Gay panic*
Man... Even with common sense. Who put a judoka against a boxer?!