why is the duchess so... frugal in style?
:U You should have been honest from the start. Now you look like a cheater... and you are one.
Why is she always so dirty when she mostly does... NOTHING.
bruh... she cheats fast.
o-o i mean... listen first.
and supportive. good.
go to uni? you are still young and fit.
He r you... remember?
o-o another Me2 BS.
s harassment. :I
o-o bruh... how about saying thanks.
:I assault is a pretty normal crime too.
yes, take my covid too.
i mean... it is fair point. stop looking at their d.
wait fam... why are so into their d like that...
Fam... breaking the sim card is... VERY HARD. This thing is such a piece of junk.
a master of 0 presence. ninjaaaaa.
No. Call the popo. :O