Hehehe yeah put yo foot down Noriko.Izark, just let her take care of you.
About damn time you are honest with her and yourself.
You already got the future figured out.
Yeeep, you have fallen for the chipmunk.
........ Wrong conclusion but we are getting there.....
Damn. The moment is gone!
Protective Instincts Activating...
Initiating Seme Role.
Lolz cuz he worked you very well
Oh hes happy alright.
You consider just going for it....
You consider just going for it...
You regret being a gentleman
No no no!!! Thats exactly what he wants!
This guys is so extra as fuck.
You realize who actually wears the pants.
Naaaa you scary as fuck at first bro.

When it is finally said.
471 photos
04 10,2019 created

Dee Dee's other album

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