a HANDy place to curate my rogue yaoi hands
Wish I hands that big to steady myself during crises of self-doubt
Positively eldritch.
trust me, your yaoi hand doesn't need to be any bigger
yaoi arm.
daddy palms
bottom-right panel: the slenderman cometh
not just the hand - what in the evERloving god of anatomy is hAPPENING HERE
you know what they say about the correlation between hand and dick sizes.
last panel...
PANEL 2: inverse yaoi hand (approaching the size of a tennis ball. a rare specimen!)
pictured: yukue moegi's signature yaoi hands
aww, bristling kitten gets pets.
beautiful, if disproportionally big hands!
too hand to handle
that hand's the size and form of a baseball glove
gentle giant man hands