Old man, you're awesome, I love you XD
Bwuahahahahaha XDD Every time I laugh, it's just X""DDDDDD WTF "dick dakar rally", I can't stop X"D
Gyahahaha, with the previous page, hahaha it's so funny XD
His soul that comes out from his nose, ridiculous XD
"They'll lose their job!" So great, seriously?! XDDDD
"What's bad, is ya" XDDDDDDD
"Pretending to be annoyed" XD énorme! XDD
Kyouko is so funny, she's crazy XDDD
Picking up stranger to share your happiness XDD I do that too, but only when I'm drunk!! XDDDDDD
Yashiro is too much, making fun of Ren "happy over insignificant progress" he is so rude X"DDDDDD
Pfft x)
AAhh ah ah No Way it's too funny XDDD
Bwwouuaaaah, I'm also crying guys! TT^TT
"Isn't that your nose?" No waaaay sensei it's so lame XDDDD
What the fuck is this sentence from liquid passion? XDD
Gin-chan at beginning XDDDD "ugly, weird pattern, half fur, etc" XDDD