You know, there's a difference hearing those words from a random stranger and from your mother...
le gasp, the fated meeting between the heroine (drugs) and the male lead...?
Nooooo, no no no nonononono, losing that key doesn't mean you don't care, that's just stupid
That is such a refreshingly irritating smile
You could, theoretically continue on until you die, saying this. But really who wants to do that?
there's other interesting mangas on this page. huh, well more to read for me
Her mother actually fainted! Why did I not see this the first five times I've read this?
That last sentence sure describes the panel well, huh?
I always knew these two were closer in age than the Ninth Prince and Heng Heng!!
the important question is...where did that can come from?!
Wait...hold up. Does this lower right panel mean that Alfred has a brother or sister???
29 photos
18 01,2019 created

Rabbit Lover!'s other album

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