O_O.. :'( *cry*...awww, i wish ryou will end up with someone soooon!!! >_<
ahahahahhah! XD XD
hihii, yes he is adorable :3.
LOL! Aki greeting the mom XD
omg! those 2 look so cute!...uh oooh...well that ddn't take him long to get there X)
hihii, adorable lil yakuza X)
O_O....XD XD
damn, Akis too cute <3 <3 :3
geeez, this just got better and already at it?!! ~_~... X)
like he'd let that pass X)
OMG!!! O_O!! did she do that on purpose to get him into the bathroon to see aki??!!! X)
24446 photos
08 08,2015 created

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