When you find out how scary your boyfriend can be when protecting you
When you gitta look for the bathroom so you tighten your nether region
Yeah, you open it without permission from a manga artist that does yaoi works...well done LOL call 9
Boy if say that to me I'll make you stay alive while you as I cut your pesin to pieces
Damn weres the camera!
Then I come with a bloody knife with her name on it and cut her up like a sandwhich :)
The girl with the camera would be me! <span class="emoji emoji1f
Life is so complete when you meet the one
Unlock the sixth gate, "GIVE ME BACK MY BOYFRIEND!"
When bae finds out you're cheating
When bae finds out you're cheating
Sigh, when life gives you lemon kiss your love one....or you pillow :)
When hih school kids finish exams.....domthat for 5mins and go and play