yuri form now on is pure psycho comedy
get me a man like this for real, crazy aside
oh you just know how all the wait was so worth it
bitch is almost as tall as the car SEATED
cheff's fucking kiss
he can't even be fully toxic. He is always in line to what he tells him. Thats sexy and like, DUHYEA
and it's the hottest thing ever
this is how you make a toxic mf suffer correctly, in a logical way
this is just, how can i put it into words
i love that about him o fucking much like these characters are INSANELY GOOD C'MON
he couldn'y have described himself better
he even took his time to take off his shoes like damn
hot while being an absolute mMMmMmESS
just to stay by your side is CRAZY LOVE
hot even when panicking ong
Hot ong