I never thought I’d hear those words in my 21 years of life
Maybe it’s just the art, but the scaredness wasn’t portrayed well
Bro, there’s no excuse for that
Bro, don’t just moan at that the hell
Time To kick some ass
Dude looks tired…And you smile at him.
Nope, nope nope nope nope nope
Something illegal definitely happened in his heart just now
Dude is finally blushing
Would you consider yourself a bad adult?
Wow, UH Capital letters make it better
These damn 18-year-olds… I’m only 21 but I’m hard judging you rn
I don’t know what you were gonna do with that video but…
Kinda scared to see the next page to be honest
An issue of your own making… Whatever happens happens, I guess
There comes the hand of God to smite you… Nope, it’s your gay awakening
… I don’t have anything to say
How did bro pick up your phone and see that? Do you not have a passcode?