of coruse look at the fucking eyes!! WOMAN UGHH I LOVE EM
literally slayy queen... cat
Protecting taste is a hard job gurly popss you got this. Speaking from experience as a cook
Damn I still wanna know the backstory on why he really wants his dick, did he see it online?
Speak your truth bestie
As you should, rest a ton babes you did a lott
As you should bestiee
She doesn't know the power she holds as a beautiful female, Abe can literally have the world if wish
She makes him go crazy without even lifting a finger, girl can have anything under her fingers
I mean slay queen flaunt they breast to the person she wants to flaunt it to
Oh he too is strong
I knew she was strong
"A single mom who works two jobs"
Were breaking generational norms, slay queen dont be a mean step mama
is he blushing or is that wrinkles?
Yass queen, brave fr fr
gurl you must be very powerful
Wow I love her wedding dress