HE WANTS 2 DATE U, U IDIOT. Whether its carbon dating or actual dating is the question, though.
Wow that went from a back-handed compliment to a straight-up BURN.
You idiot they're only together all the time bc they're trying 2 date YOU!
RIP in peace stalker, you're plot convenience was invaluable.
*so deep in denial he breaks the 4th wall*
HA! I WAS RIGHT! (also she might B rlly nice but she's mostly just gay 4 u gurl)
...Did she just propose? (Granted, "Ill cook 4 u every day" is a Japanese proposal BUT STILL)
ur eyes, r an ocean. ur breasts, r also an ocean.
...Did this manga just Rick-Roll me!?
"Wait how did u know my b-day? I never told u." "...U prob. don't want 2 know"
oh my god are they discussing lunch while having sex? They're like an old married couple.
"can I punch him in the mouth?" that's what he's been trying to get you to do, dude.
"so how do u know he's a vamp?" "He's 2 hot 2 b human" "...fair enough"
...that isn't a no.
"seiji is a feminist" as well as my new favorite character holy shit.
what a relatable motto.
Maid: We're together so that we don't have to actually date anyone.