and this is why she became a mage and not a baker.
Moon voice: hey you two should kiss!!!!
did she write these. by hand. *without* graph paper.
I'm pretty sure murdering 200 people is worse, actually.
this is one of the most casual kidnappings I've seen in a yaoi, which is saying something.
is this a mom-zone-ing or a mommy kink?
"THE LAW OF NATURE" [buzz lightyear voice] I don't believe that man has ever been to med school!
girl, if *pet play* is your limit then you should not work in a sex shop
whoever wrote this wanted to write vore but couldn't work up the nerve for it.
"the only way anyone will consider me a ""snack"" is if they're being literal."
at least one person gets it, even if it's also the person who caused the situation
whoever wrote this was way too into RPF
"do you think a murderer can live a happier life" asks a fucking serial killer
those poor temple people
and he still is!
Rosemary sure is Raeliana's sister, isn't she?
this poor kid probably feels like a reverse hot potato at this point