i don't see where is the "bland" story part, i'm still at chap.2&everything is okay & straight4ward
wait- gosh, man, that hurts. I mean, that person cares for you so much.
hahaha actually painful to read but kouki's dumbness...making himself his own villain really XD
this is painful to read.
well, we get most pains w/ the person we feel deeply.
what-??!! Kouki, you shouldn't- that's awful...
he's looking forward for this moment...so munch happy yet T_T
ladies and gen's, ham's lover, chan's rival XD
This is beautiful...their love is.
guess sirang might feel sad but won't stop chasing after where his heart beats.
his eyes were blank. Ho, do something... T_T
this is heartbreaking, sirang giving a push coz Ho hasn't cleared his feelings to sirang yet. sad.
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27 07,2024 created
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