this one is sooooo nice. i mean, those way of thinking, Imagase could be the love for him.
That's what an indecisive people do. and they think they can get away with it unscathed. poor guy.
really makes sense. This Imagase guy pt. 2 XD
welll, kouki's actually exuding green light, only he's too dumb and insensitive XD
wow, he's so brave.
something about quiet and loneliness
All these talks with In Suh will be turning point of the story, i guess, coz this kept Ham's at bay.
In Suh is oozing so much maturity.
he's coming so vivid... i can see him clearly.
a fan is really better off a fan, a lover yes, but never a rival.
what the heck, goash, i wanna leave i'm not used w/ this mature conversation XD
wow, this is so mature. wow, i never thought this story could give such mature characters.
so he does realize, huh. i like his narratives here. so poetic.
now, that answered me. i kept on wondering when will sarang stop chasing for the fox's heart.