PFFFFT!! "They want you to step on them, apparently." XD
PFFT!! Why is THAT a part of it? I mean, it's convenient, but it was just funny that he mentioned it
Hahahahaha!! My point exactly! LMFAO! XD
PFFFT!! He forgot he was wearing that T-shirt she made for the plushie! It looks so narcissistic! XD
LOL! He truly loves her alright XD
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! "Go get me the cheapest red wine! That's all I can drink!", LMFAO!! She got him! XD
PFFFT! She's a great manipulator! XD
That's pretty cute, ngl XD
HAHAHAHA!!! I love him so much! That's one of the best and most spot-on burns I've heard!! LMFAO! XD
I love how cold and confident he looks when he says this line!!
Here it comes...