and no reports or anything will think its strange for the disturbance going on.
This was the most logical result of all her torture that she went through. The guys are so stupid.
this is so sad and depressing. Once he remembers it will be too late and i believe its the best.
when he gets his memory back. he is so gonna regreat it so badly. all these guys suck.
after what she's been through, I'm surprised that she's not pregant.
seriously now he's jealous and can't admit his wrong doings or jealousy
this fker says all this and even if she did. he still raped her and can't go back from that.
paranoia disorder........ i think that he has identity disorder.
wow, great advie lunatic. Says the guy who can't admit that he was wrong in the first place.
Mtoher f'er her last drawing was her last words... someone check him into an asylum
the f.. dehydration and then a bookmark. a new psycho way.
seriously this ass, who says that after being dehyraded for 3 days. mother f'er
now i'm crying.........
someone help her, I hope she is able to get revenge and happiness in this story.
makes me want to literally cry
because your are insane
this makes me want to cry
so sad