He's too cute, i can't with his ass lol
Bwahaha the horses are chismoso
as a hammy owner... i am cracking up lol run ham! RUN!
She cracks me up hahaha
tisch lol so cute
Can we talk about Charlotte's game for a second? Like hello charm?! lol my girl
Same, Sis, same. bahaha
this is too funny haha
Yooo I lost it at "But she has high blood pressure" !! hahaha
Why is he on such a little horse? hahaha
Fuuuhh he's so fine. UGH i have such a typical type haha
oh sweet baby boiii HA his blush omg
they're so cute together stopppp
THIS is NOT much of a looker? Wtf, he is literally pretty
wait wut? Weren't you the one sacrificing yourself cause of your naughty thoughts
uhhhmmm... wait... Ew wait... what is that???