Gaslighting as I have not talk to this cyberstalker since a point and they admitted to being a pedo again.
They are harassing others.
They are harassing others.
They are lying here. They have no credibility.
I changed my name to Revealing Cyberstalkers to Safety Advocate and they changed with me.
What they are confessing to using my name.
Admitting to being a pedo using my name.
Admitting to being a pedo using my name.
That cyberstalker is admitting to being a pedo again but with my new name this time
Things only a stalker would know. They are self-projecting as they try to gaslight me
New Name change to match mine
New with name change
I am not who they think I am. They are impersonating me and talking to two BaileyBots. Neither are who they are targeting.
They are my impersonator when I was revealing cyberstalkers.
This is put here because one has claimed to love this story. I wonder if it is the same one.
Admitting to what they did again pretending to be me.
They are mocking me and thinking they forced me to change my name. They told on theirselves.
Admits to stalking 16 years old.