Andrew, the man you are, the beast in bed and the lover boy! He is so freaking hotttt
Golden retriever X nerd. He is an adorable cutiepie boyfiee who deserves the world!
The man that you are,Doshik, the hottest & most beautiful man evaa! The best boyy’
Juwon is clumsy baby. A cute, soft-hearted, hot headed, buff but adorable crybaby top!
Taegyeom is the hottest, baby-girl coded, healthy, pretty top evaa. The way he handles yoonwoo I am in love with their love, his body
His high school version is so beautiful, his features are so perfect and sleek. I am in love with his character and his face!
Definitely not a puppy seme but a mature,older, rich, sorted yet broken seme! But the way he changed and fell harder , love hanjun somuch!
This body, this collarbone,these pecks , the facecard, the cool calm expressions, the hair!! Everything about this man is soo fine I can’t
Chinatsu is so gorgeous, handsome, kind, lovable and reliable! I am so glad he choose the uke and is making a beautiful life with him!
The man that you are , jooha! Soo gorgeous, breathtakingly handsome! I am obsessed w him<33
Heechan had a wonderful development, he knew how to love and made his boy happiest! Truly in love with his character! The besttt seme!!
This broken boy- my heart breaks for heechan ! He is the best green flag puppy seme who went through soo much!
This facecard never disappoints! Get a man like jinhyuk who will book a whole themed park to have a date w u<span class="emoji emoji1f62d"><
The standard! The kind of top I adore the most! Green flag, sexy, puppy, lovely, obsessed- he has it all and the best combination out there!
American army officer, gay, perfect gentleman, green flag and a respectable understanding top!! Jim is everything and the lovestory<span cla
Daniel deserves another post! He looks so cute with his bangs down! The most gentle alpha ever!
The most flawless alpha who is so much in love, respectful, adorable, cry baby, blushing baby, rich, famous and perfect!
Jinwhan is the most realistic top I have read about, he is so awkward, confused,scared but loves the mc with all his heart!