nah, flip the script, i wanna comfort him
damn. sorry you had to go through that.
pouting is a universal human trait
bro was right to like her in the past
your gonna kill him one day saying that adorable shit
hold on while i scream into my pillow
that nervous happy laugh gave me life
he even said it twice
!!!!! :DDD
i knew it was coming, yet i'm still hyped
i'm like a proud parent rn
woohoo for character growth! :DD
bro's face is very honest lol
hell yeah, this is what i wanted
i'm sorry too, i feel like i was a little mean with my comments
that's good.
guilt intensifies
Oh my god, my 2nd album is so large it's a miracle no images have been deleted like in my first one. Still salty about that . >:(
6878 photos
30 12,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album

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