MC notices photoshop done two friends photo
3# Internet reaction
4# TV reaction
MC has the most talented dancer crying at his door
3# MC brilliant(?) idea on the theme (Combining everyone’s suggestions)
3# MC third team - Moon Rabbit) first team meeting
2.1# Internet reactions positively to MC
2# Internet reactions positively to MC
3.4# TV reaction ‘MC Stans up for song-writer‘
3.3# TV reaction ‘MC second team - Heroes Anthem) first team meeting’
3.1# TV reaction ‘MC finds out why he was song-writers first choice’
3# TV reaction
MC fans reaction to him eating out & visiting his post
MC & his 2 friends take pictures of themselves with there posters
2.1# MC brilliant idea on the theme (superheroes - 80s comic version
2# MC second team - Heroes Anthem) performance, hero theme
2# MC brilliant idea on the theme (superheroes - 80s comic version)
MC finds out why he was song-writers first choice