Oh wait I might love him fr, he's cute as fuck...
Jesus Christ y'all both fuckin crazy LMAO but good that he beat his ass
Okay so he should die I think
Ngl if I was Jin I'd be embarrassed as fuck, old man boutta go toe to toe w mf's dad
Does anyone like this fuckin guy goddamn, this why I love Nari
Idk this goes hard asf
Like are we dumb, ofc u did
Yeonwoo's valid crash out is making me lose it, they got me clutching pearls at a HS story
they cute asl tg I'm slowly seeing the vision
Ok the fucking art progression is getting insane, every panel is like a 4 star gacha card
That guy's such a psycho this is crazy
Put yo foot down cochino what are u doing..
Love her and she's right let's bfr
I don't find this behavior cute at all but the art here is fine asl
Boy, be calm
Holy fuck actually murder him king
Hol up
Idk what kind of moment
I be rereading so many works to feel sumn
92 photos
07 09,2023 created

achoo's other album

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