Title: Tonari no Metaller-san
Name: Kento
Name: Kento
Title: Tonari no Metaller-san
Name: Soushi
Name: Soushi
Title: Motomete Yamanai
Name: Tsuburaya
Name: Tsuburaya
Title: Kawaii Obaka-kun
Name: Taiichi (-Kun)
Name: Taiichi (-Kun)
Title: The guy I hate
Name: Kawachi(- kun)
Name: Kawachi(- kun)
Title: The guy I hate
Name: Azuma Kiyoharu
Name: Azuma Kiyoharu
Title: Playdate
Name: Yamato and shima
Name: Yamato and shima
Title: Playdate
Name: Yamato and shima
Name: Yamato and shima
Title: Lingua Dolce
Name: Keito Hiiragi
Name: Keito Hiiragi