First time, buddy? XD
This is a "I should have brought my weapon" moments, for sure.
Storm the castle, kill the king. Is what comes to mind immediately.
Again; This author's sense of 'normal' is astounishingly perfect. <3
This author's logic is amazing, thank you. ;v; SURE you want THAT guy as a royal conduct teacher???? 'Cause he sucks. XD
...N-Navy Blue?? Fam, I think you need different glasses. Seriously. XD
What a whore-move, at least make it LESS obvious. XD That arm underneath tits is so low effort, girl
Yeah, it's not only the art that's mediocre. There NEEDS to be a reaction to this from Jiwon. WTF?
Yeah, let's not turn THAT into a divine beast....
Doing this SO often in such a short time is NOT a good idea when it comes to writing, dear author...
Is his hand just enormous or his head tiny? I cannot tell with this artist.
That's not how you draw a grin/smirk, my dude....
I know I'm supposed to care but....nah. =v=
Homeboy ain't playin your games bitch! >:D
Hey look! It's child abuse disguised as pretentious compassion! :D
How did we change from him working at ma's shop to the MC knowing the dude works at the car repair??