Jesus fucking christ, the art is getting more and more lazy.
Wtf is happening?? This is worse thanAi
Why are some hand panels so effortless and ugly??
They were so great in the beginning.
And here I thought we would see some character developement after that last chapter....silly me.
Well said, Dan! Well fucking said!
'Acting', haha ha. Aaahhh. This mf really is dumb. :D
HEHEHEHEHHEHE! Looks like that sentence from Dan hit heavy, huh, Captain Dipshit? XD
This is exactly why children should be on a leash.
Not a good choice to make your MC a literal arrogant asshole. WTF. XD
Why is he suddenly blushing and going dokidoki? There was literally zero reason for this.
Okay, this writing is more and more lackluster now.
Fucking MacGuyver writing.
I've seen some shitty clothes in comics, but this one takes the cake-
Yay. Child abuse for trying to smoke once. GREAT parenting.
All the effort goes into the eyes, meanwhile the fucking hands:

You you COULD tilt the page but you cannot be bothered to do that for any dialogue??
This doesn't make sense. There could/should be multiple caretakers, so this doesn't check out.
Oregano tea?? Basilicum tea??
WTF is this!? XD
Is this a translation error or why tf would you call basic human decency 'meddlesome'??
74 photos
30 07,2017 created

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